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- Carlos Ramisch, Vitor De Araujo, Aline Villavicencio, "A Broad Evaluation of Techniques for Automatic Acquisition of Multiword Expressions", Proceedings of the ACL student research workshop, Jeju, South Korea, July, 2012. bib pdf
- Mathieu Mangeot, Carlos Ramisch, "A Serious Game for Building a Portuguese Lexical-Semantic Network", Proceedings of the workshop on the people's web meets NLP, Jeju, South Korea, July, 2012. bib pdf
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- Carlos Ramisch, "Une plate-forme générique et ouverte pour l'acquisition des expressions polylexicales", Proceedings of RECITAL 2012, Grenoble, France, June, 2012. bib pdf
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- Leonardo Zilio, Kassius Prestes, Rodrigo Wilkens, Aline Villaviencio, "Geração semiautomática de uma ontologia geral de língua comum", XI Encontro de Linguística de Corpus (ELC), São Carlos, SP, Brasil, 2012. pdf
- Magali Sanches Duran, Carlos Ramisch, "How do you feel? Investigating lexical-syntactic patterns in sentiment expression", Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2011: Discourse and Corpus Linguistics Conference, Birmingham, UK, July, 2011. bib pdf